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“The comment you made makes me feel sad for you,” she began in a lengthy response. I am proud to say that you are my brother and also one of my best friends!”ĭisick, who dated Kourtney for nine years before splitting in 2015, has become more like a sibling to Khloé than a friend - which is why she has no time for the rumors that she and her sister’s ex have hooked up.Īfter someone on Instagram wrote they “refuse to believe they’ve never shagged” in response to her 2019 birthday tribute to Disick, the Good American founder clapped back. I am thankful for every highs and lows because we have been through it all and we are closer than ever. “I am so thankful for the person that you have grown into.

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“We have come such a long way, you and I!” the Kocktails With Khloé host wrote via Instagram on Disick’s 36th birthday in May 2019. Despite their ups and downs over the years, though, they’re now closer than ever.

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